Remedies For A Stressed Person

By 11:34 AM , , ,

So It just came into my mind how I listen to the musics or praying when I'm stressed. Music is something that probably can't be separated from every human being in this world. I find satisfaction in music, it just runs in my blood but I'm not being too maniac for it.

I like it when I feel the beat then my body moves on its own, finally I end up singing. I'm trying to dance and move my body more with my conscious mind. Even I'm not too into it, because I honestly have flexible body but I can't remember movements better than remembering phrases and thing that you can find in book. I need to work hard to do a choreography set of a song. Since I was little I always could do side split, front split, bridge, pointing, yoga etc, but not with remembering movements. When I master the movements, I feel like I've just won a lottery.. lol. Seriously dancing is fun, and I guess it's included in some of my stress remedies.

And then when the situation makes me stressed and turn me into the red zone, the only and the most important remedy, is.. praying. What do you think ? yes of course praying is so much better than meditating in yoga. I'm as a Christian sure understand what the benefits in praying are. Praying means, you're talking to God, The Creator of the universe, The One who is always watching over you. You can't find any accurate answer more than God could give, you can't find a more faithful friend in this universe except God, you can't be totally honest to everyone but with God, you don't need to hide anything from Him, He knows everything, every little thing about us. When I'm turned into the red alert mode, I start to remember His Words in the Bible, then start praying. My favorite time for praying is midnight, no one can bother me or make a noise. And His presence is soothing. Maybe you're wondering whether God is real or not, because you have never feel His presence, and you don't think He listen to your prayer. The only thing that you should know is..  He's real.. Jesus is real.. but you need to accept him as your savior and let Him enters your heart.

And some little remedies that I do when I'm stressed is eating a little bar of Cadbury Chocolate.. ^^ or doing treatments for my skin and hair. I'm not a perfectionist fashionista, I just love doing some treatments, and it has no negative consequence right ? as long as you're not too much and keep your logical and rational mind over it.

The other remedy is going to some shops ALONE. It gives me time to clear my mind, then I don't have to listen to my Friends' whining whenever I'm shopping. I prefer buying stuffs alone or with a best best best best friend. Why a best best best best best friend ? because the person understands me better and won't laugh when I buy something weird ^^.

There are so many remedies that I can't mention. But the most Important remedy is giving your time for God. ^^

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