Busy Days With Hopes

By 8:58 AM , ,

Well, days have been so busy lately... :)
God, sibuk banget.. banyak banget tantangan yang ngehadang...
Dari ini dari itu mulai putar-putar kesana kemari... :D

Tapi aku akuin itu adalah suatu hal yang menyenangkan meski fisik ini kayanya udah mau remuk gara-gara semua aktifitas itu..

Yang herannya lagi adalah cara Tuhan kasih aku keteguhan sama semangat dalam ngehadapin semua ini.. :)

Jesus you've been so good to me.. :)
Thanks for everything..
Every event in my life..
that leads me to this point..

I know that " This Too Shall Pass " ..
well yeah it's like a small cut of Yolanda Adams' Song.. :)

Whenever I'm down I always listen to this song.. :)
" This Too Shall Pass "
It brings out faith and hope..

People always link this thing to another topic that I don't really care too much lately..
Busy days with hopes...
With God in my every step has strengthen my heart...
With God who leads my way into this point...

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