Insomnia... Is This An Incurable Disease ?? No.. No.. I Mean Incurable Behavior ?? ??
Insomnia.. :/
Well, para penghuni blogger... this is gee.. gee.. and gee.. and gee... * hah ? -_-" *
Kali ini mau curhat tentang insomnia...
Well, aku sejak masuk SMK gabisa tidur di bawah jam 12 malem.. :/ Kecuali kalo udah kecapean banget banget banget...
Gak sehat ?? emang sih.. tapi mau digimanain lagi ?? -___-" udah tugas dan ulangan yang seabrek..
Serta jadwal yang pulang sore melulu.. itulah jadi alasan ato faktor pendukung insomnia ini...
Well, banyak hal positif juga sih dari insomnia ini.. :D
Terutama ni blog jadi keurus.. :D hahaha.. You know what I mean.. ;)
Well, satu fakta :
It's absolutely tiring, fellas.. kalo pagi-pagi pasti langsung mata manusia ini bermutasi jadi mata panda...
Item-item gimana gitu bawahnya... 6_6
Well, akunya juga gabisa ngatur waktu.. kebanyakan job yang diambil... *cyeilehh... -__-*
Tapi emang bener banget... Job aku dari bulan ini sampe bulan depan BANYAK BANGET !!!
Tapi justru itu bikin aku semangat ngelakuinnya..
Well, buat Tuhan.. :D Kolose 3:23..
Soal penghapusan massal post-post " aneh " di blog ini...
Itu dikarenakan...
Apa ya ??
Males aja ngeliatinnya.. Geli... wkwkwkwkwkwkwk...
Daripada baca post-post aneh tersebut...
Lebih baik urusin yang sekarang aku harus hadepin deh...
Hidup aku masih panjang untuk hal-hal kaya gitu...
Udah diforsir tiap hari.. harus mikirin hal yang aneh-aneh.. =="
I'm precious.. I'm loved.. by the people in my society..
Why must I be so stupid ? Crying for a person which isn't even worth for my tears ?
Longing for a person that had gone away.. that didn't respect my feelings in the past..
Thinking about a person which had kicked me out of his life..
Falling for a person that will just disappoint me ?
Worry about a person who had stabbed my heart ?
I'm gonna find someone more better than you...
^ it's quoted and adapted from Beyoncé_Irreplaceable ^
But for this time.. I won't go into a relationship with anyone... -__-"
It's quiet tiring to have a commitment with an opposite gender..
It's a full time job.. I won't apply if I'm not ready for that..
Seriously.. I feel so damn stupid for writing those kind of posts... :/
It's total pointless..
Selanjutnya... * Lama-lama ni post ganyambung sama judulnya... -_-" biarin lah... blog blog aku.. akakka *
Well, it's about the UKK.. Ujian Kenaikan Kelas..
Bawa enjoy dan pastinya serahkan pada Tuhan.. :D
About my facebook..
I deactivated it so I it won't bother me for the exam..
Hmmmm... then then WHAT ??
That's all I guess..
And oh.. I have a bunch of assignments to do.. :D
Bye Fellas.. :D
God Bless..